
Trying Manjaro Linux for a month

October 29, 2020 Written By Marco Monteiro

I’ve been a full time Linux user for the past 4 years. Until now, all I’ve used was Debian distributions. I never in my life even consider a Arch based distro because rolling release distros scared me.

However, Manjaro Linux has been getting a lot of buzz in the last 2 or 3 years so I decided to try it out.

The first thing I did was join r/ManjaroLinux and I lurked there for about a month or so. Never said anything during that time. Basically to see how many posts were about people saying that the system somehow broke.

I then decided to make a post, this one to be precise.

On that thread I got some good people on both sides of the fence. Some said they run Manjaro as their daily driver and some said they used it mostly in a secondary machine.

After that thread I decided to install Manjaro on my laptop. I normally don’t use my laptop to work from 9 to 5. But I have all the tools installed on it if I need that for some reason. I also use it for browsing, answering some emails and I’m writing this post on it right now (already on Manjaro).

My main concern was always stability, I always felt like Arch was mostly the beta testers in Linux, always living on the most recent software. However I found out that Manjaro even though its based on Arch, it doesn’t have the same release cycle.

Here’s what’s actually happening:

My plan is to open my laptop everyday, update the system everytime there’s updates and see if during that month everything stays normal. After that month I’ll see if I like it better than the Debian based distros I’ve been using and see if I change or not.


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"Trying Manjaro Linux for a month" via @marcogmonteiro