
The creative badge

July 30, 2013 Written By Marco Monteiro

I’ve been working in the creative business for a while now, and being around people that need to be creative for a living can have it’s advantages, and disadvantages.

In one hand if you work with really good creatives you tend to be blown away by their ideas. On the other hand, you have to deal with the creative badges that they so proudly use. The “I’m so damn busy badge”. Or, the other good one called, “I have so much stuff to do!” badge.

It’s a fact. Creative people - like designers and such - always like to brag about having so much stuff to do, and most of all saying that they don’t even have time to sleep.

So here’s my view on these so called badges.

Creative folks, get your shit together, if you have too much stuff to do, or don’t even have time to sleep that can only mean one of three things.

  • You’re not productive.
  • You don’t know how to manage your own time.
  • You don’t know how to say the word no.

If you work alone and suffer from one of these, I would say that’s ok. It’s your problem after all. However, when you work as a team, working with people that suffer from these diseases can be frustrating.

I think the second and the third are the main problems. The first one is actually more of an effect from those two. So let’s review those.

You don’t know how to manage your own time

My guess is that you normally don’t divide your time in tasks. You don’t know how much time you’ll need to deliver a product, and the worst problem of it all, you don’t respect deadlines.

You don’t know how to say no

Here’s the thing, everyone has to say no some time. If you don’t have time to do something get some help. Don’t say that you’ll going to deliver everything by yourself when you know you can’t. You’ll end up making a lazy job or even worst not delivering at all.

People! Stop using these badges proudly. You should be ashamed if you use them.


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"The creative badge" via @marcogmonteiro