
Ross Tuck - HTTP and Your Angry Dog

November 11, 2013 Written By Marco Monteiro

This was probably one of my favorite talks from Laracon EU 2013. I loved almost everything about it. It was informative, sometimes funny and most of all everyone in the room was interested. What can I say, Ross Tuck is a natural speaker.

Ross Tuck is an American developer, living in the Netherlands, working at Ibuildings, wearing a hat, and wishing he was reading a book.

Talk: HTTP and Your Angry Dog

What is an etag, exactly? What’s all that stuff in the Accept header? And what the heck does a Vary header do anyways?! Web developers use HTTP everyday but most of us don’t know how to get the most out of it. This talk goes past memorizing status codes (although we’ll see those too) and teaches how to get the most out of every request and response.



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"Ross Tuck - HTTP and Your Angry Dog" via @marcogmonteiro