
Prime OS an android based system for your laptop needs

March 17, 2019 Written By Marco Monteiro

A few months back I got me a cheap chinese laptop mostly for email, browsing the web, some light reading and watching some videos.

The laptop came with windows, so the first thing I did was remove it and install Ubuntu. However, performance wise it wasn’t the best. So I tried Lubuntu, but then I found out about Prime OS.

If you already use Android, you’ll love what you can do with PrimeOS. PrimeOS operating system gives a complete desktop experience similar to Windows, MacOS or even Çinux with access to millions of Android apps. It is designed to bring you the best of both worlds - a complete fusion of Android and PC.

Prime OS

You install it just like any other Linux distro, just create a bootable USB stick and you’re good to go. Even has live option so you can try it before installing and check if it’s going to perform well on your machine.

For my everyday laptop use it’s perfect, I already have all my documents on google docs. My main email account is a Google Apps account.


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"Prime OS an android based system for your laptop needs" via @marcogmonteiro