
People won awards that day

December 19, 2013 Written By Marco Monteiro

Last weekend we had our anual christmas party at the office. Until now I was only used to those small Christmas parties. I only worked for small companies and even when I didn’t, normally they did the parties by team and not has a whole company.

I was really excited about the party, on one hand I would get to be with everyone in one place, which only happens twice a year (we also have a summer party). On the other hand there’s always a open bar.

Since it was my first time at this, I was everything but ready for what was about to happen. Every year the company rewards a few people on different categories. You know, like the Oscars, but instead of getting a gold statue you get a Teddy Bear (from the movie Monsters, Inc.) and there’s no nominees, hence you always have those unexpected winners.

Well, guess what? I was one of those cases. Well at least I think I was. Some may think I wasn’t. Some were actually expecting it. What matters is that I wasn’t, at all.

Apparently everyone on my team (or almost everyone) already knew that I was going to win (I know right? Bunch of assholes).

The award I won was the “revelation award”. It means that I (allegedly) stood out somehow. It’s good to know that the company is appreciating my work. But I wouldn’t be doing my work if it wasn’t for this people.

Monsters and Company Team

From left to right: Xico; Tânia; Sílvia; Mena; Lili; Asshole; Inês; Joel

That’s right, this is the team I work with, and since I work with them everyday, I think it’s safe to say that this award was only a product of a team effort.

I know my acceptance speech wasn’t perfect, basically it went like this:

Thank you! 00010 1001 10010101 10101010101 101010 11010101 10101 10101 100000101010 10101 101010 11001 10010101 10101010101 101010 11010101 10101 10101 100000101010 10101 101010 11001 10010101 10101010101 101010 11010101 10101 10101 100000101010 10101 101010 11001 10010101 10101010101 101010 11010101 10101 10101 100000101010 10101 101010 11001 10010101 10101010101 101010 11010101 10101 10101 100000101010 10101 101010

I don’t even know what that means in binary, but I thought it was funny at the time. It wasn’t, I was just drunk.

Now that I put some thought into it (and I’m not drunk) I can say this:

Thank you Grupo CH (the company). It’s been a great year working with you. I want to thank my team, not just for their everyday work, but specially for being more than just co-workers. You’re all friends of mine and I’m a better person because I had the pleasure to meet you.

the award

Errrrrr about that!


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"People won awards that day" via @marcogmonteiro