
Ci-presenter library for Codeigniter

June 09, 2012 Written By Marco Monteiro

For a long time I’ve been using Jamie Rumbelow view presenters and after his presentation at Ciconf (London 2012) I noticed that a lot of people started using his code including my buddy David Wosnitza. After a while David started using the presenters in a even more clever way. He showed me his code and we agreed that it was time to create a library inspired in Jamie’s work.

What is a presenter?

A presenter just another layer of abstraction that works between the Controller and the View.

Why do we need another layer of abstraction?

Because if you don’t you have two options, either you use a good template library, or you end up with messy views and those can be a pain to edit. I made a small screencast that will help you understand better on how to use the ci-presenter library.

Fork it, add awesomeness to it and help document it. I’m the one doing all the documentation, so it would be great to have some help on that.


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"Ci-presenter library for Codeigniter" via @marcogmonteiro